
时间:2023-08-11 21:12:22 来源: 哔哩哔哩


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当然看这篇的最主要原因是没有找到另一本书(belting: a guide to healthy, powerful singing)的电子书,将就看一下。



chapter 3: application in the voice studio

back to basics: some exercises and training methods

first steps: classical singers modify vowels by lengthening the space in the mouth(long, tall vowels). belters modify vowels by widening that space.

breath and alignment:

Belted vocal production is easier to achieve while maintaining an engaged posture. “Noble” posture for singing consisting of a lifted sternum and expanded rib cage. This allows for strong yet flexible interactions between the upper chest, intercostals, and abdominal muscles. Another example of an engaged posture is spreading the arms when approaching a high note.

Movement studies such as Alexander Technique can be helpful for correcting habitual poor posture, while more specifically addressing balance of the head on the Atlanto-Occipital (A-O) Joint. When belting, the head tends to jut out, contracting numerous neck muscles resulting in constricted tone and discomfort. Singers sometimes tuck the jaw down to achieve the feeling of an open throat. Practical experience involving the optimal function of the A-O Joint allows singers to free their neck and laryngeal muscles by slightly tilting the head up.

Flexible and elastic balance between inhalatory and exhalatory muscles of the ribcage and abdomen, or “balanced” breathing is optimal for belting.

vocalises for belting: healthy belting requires smooth transitions between the registers.

calling-voice exercise

- upper head register

- a bright, clear tone at a high pitch level

- "taxi"

siren exercise

- initially, try to sing cross-register scales on a lip buzz or tongue trill

cross-register arpeggios

-leap over breaks rather than pass directly through them

-extending overlap between the registers

messa di voce excercise

- Choose one note in an easy, conversational register on the vowel [æ] or [i], beginning with a soft, balanced onset and increasing volume, with the apex of the crescendo becoming a belted vocal production. 

vocal études from repertoire


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